Synergy 1.1 freezes after restart

  1. Darwin


    I am only 1 day into my trial period so forgive me if I'm overlooking something, but Synergy seems to be freezing everytime I restart. I have it set to show the note menu when iTunes is not launched. I see the note, but it does nothing when clicked. On launching iTunes, the note menu doesn't change and still doesn't respond. Looking at the preference pane shows that Synergy is active, but I have to stop it then start it again to get it to work.

    I tried running the uninstaller and it showed that there is only one copy of the program and it's files installed.



  2. Darwin

    I may have fixed this myself actually. It seems I had tried M-Beat, a similar but inferior app, some time in the past. I was no longer using it but it was still listed in my login items. I removed it, and so far Synergy seems to be behaving better.


  3. Greg Hurrell

    The other thing might be that the reminder dialog is coming up behind another window and you don't see it.

    With unregistered copies you see a reminder dialog at launch time. The dialog is modal, so you can't do anything with Synergy until you click the "Dimiss" button.

    So, if the dialog ends up behind another window and you don't realize that it's there, you might try clicking on the Synergy controls in the menu bar and nothing will happen.

    If you're running Panther, you can hit the Expos


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