Request: More floater display prefs

  1. Krypton

    I know this is probably on your to-do list, but I thought I'd mention it all the same. I'd quite like to see prefs for:

      Fade in/Don't fade in 
    Fade out/Don't fade out 
    Continuous sizes between smallest and medium size 
  2. Krypton


    Ability to turn off floater shadow - noticed this doesn't cause all the redraw problems with other apps.

  3. anonymous

    I'd like to see an option to display the floater at the end of the song in addition to the beginning.

  4. sebster

    Quote: I'd like to see an option to display the floater at the end of the song in addition to the beginning.

    Yes, this would be extremely cool - I would use it as a reminder to rate the song before it's it possible to implement this in a future version?

  5. anonymous

    Personally, I'd love to see the ability to keep the floater (on the desktop, or somewhere unobtrusive) all the time. I've got about 5 itunes helper apps, it would be great if I could ditch at least one of 'em!

  6. zerock

    which other itunes appz u use, Gene?

  7. anonymous

    I use iScrobbler, Sofa (sometimes) and Now Playing ( Too many stupid little apps! Can't wait for Dashboard...

  8. Greg Hurrell

    Thanks for posting the suggestions, everybody. Keep them coming! I've got all these things planned, and many more...

  9. anonymous

    It would be great to be able to see a substantially larger version of the album art in the floater, such as you can with Sofa.

    I'm a long-time registered user, but just started using Synergy again. Thanks for all your work, it's great.

  10. Diomedes

    I'd like to see Synergy use the artwork that is attached with the music file, instead of taking the artwork and caching it in "Album Covers". I, for example, have different artwork for different tracks from the same album (e.g., artwork from CD singles). So if I have 5 tracks from an album, each with different artwork, Synergy will only use the artwork from the first instance of the album. Is there a reason Synergy can't use the artwork associated with the music file, native to iTunes?

  11. Greg Hurrell

    Synergy caches the art for historically reasons. It came out before iTunes ever had cover art support, and so needed its own cover store.

    When iTunes 4 was released, I added the ability to pull art across from iTunes when present, but Synergy continued to keep a copy in the cache, as you've noted.

    Again, due to historical reasons, Synergy has no way of knowing that the album art in the other tracks is different, which is why it pulls only the art from the first track over.

    Synergy Advance is a completely new product, written from scratch, so it won't have any of these limitations.


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