Synergy 4.5b released

Version 4.5b of Synergy, the lightweight, highly-customizable iTunes controller, has just been released for beta testing. The 4.0 series is a brand new line of development especially for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard.

This is the first "code signed" release of Synergy, which means that when Synergy posts updates to and the system asks for permission to access the Mac OS X keychain, clicking "Always Allow" will actually grant access on a permanent basis (previously, using each new Synergy release would cause the system to ask for permission again).

Note that the 4.0 series will only run on Snow Leopard. (Version 3.4.1, the last release in the stable series will run on all versions of Mac OS X from 10.2.8 upwards.) A full changelog appears here.

For many users this release will be a free upgrade: see this blog post to find out whether you qualify. If you got Synergy through the MacHeist Giving Tree bundle see the MacHeist FAQ.

The Synergy product pages were recently completely revamped for 4.0, so be sure to check them out.

You can download the new release from the download page and purchase a license using this page.