Weekly progress report #3

It’s been a while since I posted the last report, but now I am back online again it’s time to resume. As always, the usual disclaimers apply. This is just an overview of commits on the currently checked-out branch in each repository, so any work done on side branches doesn’t show up.


132ef8d Update LSMinimumSystemVersion
56c31e3 Update references to WOLoginItem and WOLoginItemList
c36e8cc Remove unwanted "Copy headers" phases
3a7877f Bump copyright year in version file
9480d47 Update an import (broken by WOCommon to WOPublic migration)
065829c Add buildtools as a submodule rather than using a relative path
f70b724 Update Xcode project references to new buildtools location

910 files changed, 222163 insertions(+), 31964 deletions(-)


6e3957a Migrate WOLoginItem and WOLoginItem list to WOPublic
0ca8c3a Migrate WO_FREE macro to WOPublic

5 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 414 deletions(-)


59b2e77 Use emalloc in NSFileManager path utilities class
f08c5f9 Import WOLoginItem and WOLoginItemList from WOCommon
32f13ac Clean up WOLoginItem and WOLoginItem for consistency with WOPublic
9ecb23c Import WO_FREE macro from WOCommon
8ca24a1 Update names in WOLoginItem
f951946 Guard against redefinition of WO_STRINGIFY and WO_STRINGIFY_CONTENTS
416c37d Fix copy/paste bug in WO_STRINGIFY_CONTENTS macro

6 files changed, 520 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)


e5a2e69 Update SystemEvents header on Mac OS X 10.5.7
d030d09 Synch with changes in WOCommon and WOPublic
703e246 Remove unused SystemEvents header
78bcd1e Remove references to NSDictionary creation category
503b595 Use "foundation tool" configuration in Release builds
c431b37 Add BSD license info
e1306c5 Remove WOCommon symlink
19e38a7 Git: ignore com.wincent.buildtools.gitrev.h
c475969 Add login-tool_Version.h file and corresponding target
87bb676 Make what(1) produce meaningful output
26bbc22 Use "entity" instead of "var" in stringification macros
c514810 Add -v switch to show version information at runtime
c115e5a Remove stale comment
f1a35a0 Replace (unwritted) man page with (empty) README
e22f2f4 Replace WOPublic symlink with a submodule
dd7780d Update project references to WOPublic submodule
bc16164 Add buildtools as a submodule
cef0e94 Update Xcode project references to buildtools configurations
d27b68f Add simple "Distribution" target

13 files changed, 411 insertions(+), 1857 deletions(-)


ac20e64 Remove unused TODO file
03d05ed Clean-up headers
b2ab556 Rewrap INSTALL file to fit within 80 columns
15db16d Update URLs and email addresses
deb64b3 Update repository info
2948578 Update contact info
51dc611 Rename the "support" directory to "contrib"
c7e02d0 Add contrib files for RHEL 5.3
706b12b Update default settings for RHEL 5.3
afda604 Add secure.conf override file for RHEL 5.3
f9ef31c Add README for RHEL 5.3 contrib files
f4576b0 contrib/RHEL-5.3: update logwatch script to match "Adding JUMP rule..."
2888f92 Partially revert "Update default settings for RHEL 5.3"
b7d68ec contrib/RHEL-5.3: add sample configuration file
3dab4da Update list of distros in contrib
15887c4 Rewrap README to fit within 80 columns
bb79984 Add low-level configuration information to README file
e5de35d Remove out-of-date NOTES file
a190077 Switch to BSD license
945ed58 Rewrap and reformat FAQ
dfbb89c Update HISTORY file for 1.0.1 release
a628c8c Add VERSION file
f6fcef2 Bump version number post-release

41 files changed, 1226 insertions(+), 1281 deletions(-)


10d7546 Make weekly progress script executable
036d47a Use explicit "src" (or none) in weekly progress script
b9053ab Use Bash pathname expansion to trim "/src" from progress output

1 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)


0c0c89c First cut at syntaxHighlight function
015f237 Apply syntax highlighting repeatedly
811e2f0 Add CSS styles and rules for Ruby language
fdfa54a Ruby syntax: handle "::" namespace separator
e3fb743 Ruby syntax: add "statement" styling
df3c278 Ruby syntax: add support highlghting for numeric literals
39eb477 Treat "skip" rules specially to avoid mangling HTML tags
f165ccb Skip only anchor tags when highlighting
cc1bb50 Handle hyperlinks inside string literals
f972473 Initial version of Objective-C syntax highlighting
d1fb7d7 Objective-C syntax: handle string and char literals
dc1d108 Objective-C syntax: add more rules
3c8c3bd Objective-C syntax: highlight multiline comments
e1fd4ed Objective-C syntax: add "boolean" rule
11d2adc Objective-C syntax: fix anchoring of preprocessor directives
969fb08 Objective-C syntax: simplify preprocessor regex
ef79646 Objective-C syntax: add "statement" rule
610c341 Objective-C syntax: add numeric literal rule
0977428 Add C-language syntax highlighting
0bf1175 Base Objective-C highlight rules on C rules (clone and override)
ce4f985 Remove unnecessary temporary variables in stylePreBlocks()
4097261 Add "shell" syntax-highlighting
d13ac97 Correct typo in comment
50063f9 Ruby syntax: add some more keywords
95ddd65 Capistrano: setup symlink for "files" directory
6e2fece Add attachment_salt variable to sample config file
485d13b Clarify nature of BSD license on "legal" page
0dade6d Add Cucumber to list of test-time dependencies in "legal" page
dcb74b5 Add workaround for CVE-2009-1904 (BigDecimal crash)
fa9a6fa Add left and right margin to "pre" blocks
b83b1e5 Add "speech bubble" CSS
7e0421c Show blog post comments in speech bubbles
a6c22b0 Add supporting images for comment bubble CSS
a4f93e6 Remove "private" CSS logic from posts#show view
42ae8c6 Add supporting image for admin comment bubbles
8886d2a Add CSS for styling admin comment bubbles
94e9eee Apply "admin" CSS to admin comment bubbles in posts#show
148fba9 Remove TODO notes about data importers
5e6130b Update source graphics in others/gfx
ef5889d Remove old design prototype
b572385 Remove stale comments from posts#show template
7ce3643 Remove "Create new comment" from comments/comment partial
6773923 Note "issue #123" autolinking in wikitext cheatsheet
a2ed337 Remove © entities from the copyright and legal information template
88841d7 Gracefully handle empty comments
30ca917 Add UI for comments on wiki articles
55f9d22 Implement comments Atom feed for wiki articles
87aaef7 Clarify per-post Atom feed title
2dc6139 Fix adding a comment to wiki articles with multi-word titles
653749d Include post excerpt in per-post Atom feed
d96520d Add attachments table (migration)
1337a83 Add columns to tweets table for commentability
0dd2e35 Set up associations for tweet commentability
5e86c3c Add specs for tweet commentability
f6e0183 Add UI for setting "Accepts comments" attribute on Tweet model
ac8c124 Show comments in tweets#show
bd48a60 Update tweets and comments sweepers for new commentable tweets
4b85b81 Use non-dynamic JS for links#index
7053199 Move links#index JS into document head
11893e2 Make admin forums#index JavaScript static
3f0b143 Make admin tags#index JavaScript static
fca634d Make admin posts#index JavaScript static
e1716c2 Move wiki article JavaScript into document head
ce888c5 Move blog post JavaScript into document head
62947c1 Move tweet JavaScript into document head
07b6655 Extract get_parent method (comments controller)
339a4dc Teach nested_comment_path method about tweets
c921ac7 Use polymorphic_path method in get_parent
e6ddd0f Fix typo in comments controller (Twitter.find for Tweet.find)
f64a0d2 Teach polymorphic_comments_path helper about tweets
621302f Teach get_parent method to handle "new" action
8356a83 Set up comments#new
643a123 Teach "get_parent" method to handle "new" for forum topics
50114ee Add non-AJAX comment link to tweets#show
c1022b2 Add per-tweet Atom feed
10b2583 Extract "last_activity" helper and use it in the tweets#show Atom template
dfb3fed Teach link_to_commentable method about tweet comments
7183170 Improve fidelity of the last_activity helper method
cfd2687 Use last_activity helper in other Atom feeds
bd0a933 Pull down comment form via Ajax in tweets#show
08bc116 Extract ajax_comment_form function into ajax.js
08eed79 Use globally unique spinner id in ajax_comment_form function
cc50f50 Call clearAJAXFlash on success in ajax_comment_form
4cede83 Simplify ajax_select and ajax_check_box by using global_spinner_counter
e36c280 Rename comments/comment partial to comments/form
f6b9c10 Redirect to comments#new on failure
7ea41a6 Redesign header/navbar CSS
69d87bc Use px, not pt, in CSS rules
68128fe Add shadow under header
0f3bd8a Initial cut at CSS drop-down menu for products
3831756 Add sample text to products drop-down in navbar
22b829f Turn product names into links in drop-down menu
ee84f33 Highlight selected "tab" according to current controller
6b56deb Add supporting images for navbar selection highlighting
5ea9efe Add drop shadow and transparency to products drop-down
13f4605 Display gray color behind navbar-bg.png
0ff0cb9 Partial fix for "log in"/"log out" alignment problem in Firefox
b50cc5f Move "log out"/"log in" links back to the right
3afbb75 Set up skeletal "About" page
905261f Sync up static HTML pages with recent changes to navbar organization
f2bf875 Add mail icon to "contact" links on static pages and layouts
2220539 Provide a link to the search form from the 404 page
adf84fc Provide content for misc#about template
91c10ef Set up and use APP_CONFIG['admin_name']
3e09b76 Set up navbar search box unobtrusively
1dcee43 Improve site identity by including author info
a30dadd Special-case taggables_search_summary for no existing tags
f90de3f Use explicit parameters in post helpers
a551b0d Use explicit parameters in article helpers
584f4e7 Remove unused "editable" helper method
0912d6d Use explicit parameters in issue helpers
9811cf8 Cleanup link_to_prev_issue/link_to_next_issue helpers
287f5d6 Use explicit parameters in tag helpers
fa52b72 Patch wikitext so that "nil.w" can accept an options hash
e0128a7 Replace title_excerpt_and_body_html helper with use of partial
02f65d1 Replace "title_and_body_html" helper method with partial rendering
7e8bea9 Remove body_html helper
5b530e9 Remove excerpt_html helper
ab37cb7 Use post_path helper in comments_link helper
acd4a27 Make posts, articles and tweets accept comments by default
2369ff1 Remove special styling for links inside "when" spans/blocks
330486c Make "by line" a hyperlinked email address
815cf64 Manually trigger cache sweeper after moderation
cde8d79 Use record_timestamps in moderate_as_ham! method
f4557ff Update to rspec 1.2.7/rspec-rails
6a48a1d No need to explicitly call update_needles from moderate_as_ham!
b934f20 Drop "did_moderate" callback in favor of "after_update"
5010dc6 Comment model: drop "update_caches_after_destroy" method
aa435d3 Fix breakage in comments controller specs
e201d29 Insert RR placeholders in spec/spec_helper.rb
e613e9e Fix display of underscores in last line of "pre" blocks (CSS)
e0e2b70 Show a flash on wiki articles that haven't been touched in a year
67d55c3 Show multiple flash items as bullet points
b9eff44 CSS: Make bullet points in flashes look nice
e107048 Use emphasis in the stale article flash
6be658f Show tweet number in tweets#show HTML template

1197 files changed, 40514 insertions(+), 39243 deletions(-)


28c205e Ack: handle "wikitext" extension
2dfdc06 Git: update to git-completion script from Git
6867d93 Vim: tab settings for Objective-C files

3 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)