Arq S3 data format

Arq stores backup data in S3 in a format similar to that of the open-source
version control system 'git'.  

When you first run Arq and give it your public and private S3 keys, it creates
an S3 "bucket" with the name "<yourpublickey>.com.haystacksoftware.arq". It
also creates a "universally unique identifier" (UUID) for your computer.

Folder Configuration Files

Each time you add a folder for backup, Arq creates a UUID for it and stores 2
objects in your S3 "bucket":

S3 object: /<computer_uuid>/buckets/<folder_uuid>

    This file contains a "plist"-format XML document that looks like this:

        <plist version="1.0">

    NOTE: The folder's UUID and name are called "BucketUUID" and "BucketName"
    in the plist; this is a holdover from previous iterations of Arq and is not
    to be confused with S3's "bucket" concept.

S3 object: /<computer_uuid>/bucketnames/company/uuids/<folder_uuid>

    This is a cross-reference file so that Arq can find a folder by name.
    It is always 36 bytes long and contains the folder's UUID.

Commits, Trees and Blobs

When Arq backs up a folder, it creates 3 types of objects in S3, "commits",
"trees" and "blobs". 

Each backup that you see in Arq corresponds to a "commit" object in the backup
data.  Its name is the SHA1 hash of its contents. The commit contains the SHA1
of a "tree" object in the backup data. This tree corresponds to the folder
you're backing up.  

Each tree contains "nodes"; each node has either the SHA1 of another tree, or
the SHA1 of a file (or multiple SHA1s, see "Tree format" below).

S3 Storage Basics
At the most basic level, Arq stores name/blob pairs in S3. The name of each
blob is its SHA1 hash.

Because of this naming, each unique blob is stored only once. If 2 files on
your system have the same contents, only 1 copy of the contents will be stored
in S3. If the contents of a file change, the SHA1 hash is different and the
file is stored as a different blob.

Files are blobs, and commits and trees are blobs as well.

Each blob is encrypted using AES-256 with the encryption key you chose when
you first ran Arq.

The SHA1 used for the blob's name is the SHA1 of the *encrypted* blob.

Arq version 1 used your encryption password as the encryption key.
Arq version 2 derives a key from your encryption password using the PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA1() function.
See the CryptoKey.m source code for more details:

Starting with version 2, Arq now compresses all data chunks, extended attributes, and ACLs.
Compression is gzip format.
In the Tree and Node formats below, the fields "xattrs_are_compressed", "acl_is_compressed", and "data_are_compressed"
indicate whether the data referred to by the SHA1 needs to be unzipped (after it's decrypted).

Commit Format

A commit contains the following bytes (see "Data Format Documentation" below
for explanation of [String], [UInt32] and [Date]):

    43 6f 6d 6d 69 74 56 30 30 36      "CommitV006"
        [Bool:is_commit_encryption_key_stretched] /* only present for Commit version 4 or later */
    )   /* repeat num_parent_commits times */
    [Bool:is_tree_encryption_key_stretched] /* only present for Commit version 4 or later */
    [Bool:is_merge_common_ancestor_encryption_key_stretched] /* only present for Commit version 4 or later */
    [UInt64:num_failed_files] /* only present for Commit version 3 or later */
        [String:"<relative_path>"] /* only present for Commit version 3 or later */
        [String:"<error_message>"] /* only present for Commit version 3 or later */
    )   /* repeat num_failed_files times */
    [Data:config_plist_xml] /* a copy of the XML file as described above */

Tree Format

A tree contains the following bytes:

    54 72 65 65 56 30 31 35             "Treev015"
    [Bool:xattrs_are_compressed] /* only present for Tree version 12 or later */
    [Bool:acl_is_compressed] /* only present for Tree version 12 or later */
    [String:"<xattrs sha1>"]
    [Bool:is_xattrs_encryption_key_stretched] /* only present for Tree version 14 or later */
    [String:"<acl sha1>"]
    [Bool:is_acl_encryption_key_stretched] /* only present for Tree version 14 or later */
    [UInt64:aggregate_size_on_disk] /* only present for Tree version 11 or later */
    [Int64:create_time_sec] /* only present for Tree version 15 or later */
    [Int64:create_time_nsec] /* only present for Tree version 15 or later */
        [String:"<file name>"]
    )   /* repeat <node_count> times */

Each [Node] contains the following bytes:

    [Bool:data_are_compressed] /* only present for Tree version 12 or later */
    [Bool:xattrs_are_compressed] /* only present for Tree version 12 or later */
    [Bool:acl_is_compressed] /* only present for Tree version 12 or later */
        [String:"<data sha1>"]
        [Bool:is_data_encryption_key_stretched] /* only present for Tree version 14 or later */
    )   /* repeat <data_sha1s_count> times */
    [String:"<thumbnail sha1>"]
    [Bool:is_thumbnail_encryption_key_stretched] /* only present for Tree version 14 or later */
    [String:"<preview sha1>"]
    [Bool:is_preview_encryption_key_stretched] /* only present for Tree version 14 or later */
    [String:"<xattrs sha1>"]
    [Bool:is_xattrs_encryption_key_stretched] /* only present for Tree version 14 or later */
    [String:"<acl sha1>"]
    [Bool:is_acl_encryption_key_stretched] /* only present for Tree version 14 or later */
    [String:"<finder file type>"]
    [String:"<finder file creator>"]


- A Node can have multiple data SHA1s if the file is very large. Arq breaks up
  large files into multiple blobs using a rolling checksum algorithm. This way
  Arq only backs up the parts of a file that have changed.
- "<thumbnail sha1>" is currently unused.
- "<preview sha1>" is currently unused.
- "<xattrs sha1>" is the SHA1 of a blob containing the sorted extended
  attributes of the file (see "XAttrSet Format" below). Note this means
  extended-attribute sets are "de-duplicated".
- "<acl sha1>" is the SHA1 of the blob containing the result of acl_to_text()
  on the file's ACL. Note this means the ACLs are "de-duplicated".
- "create_time_sec" and "create_time_nsec" contain the value of the
  ATTR_CMN_CRTIME attribute of the file

XAttrSet Format

Each XAttrSet blob contains the following bytes:

    58 41 74 74 72 53 65 74  56 30 30 32    "XAttrSetV002"
        [String:"<xattr name>"]

More on S3 Storage

In general, each blob is stored as an S3 object with a path of the form:


But for small files, the overhead associated with putting and getting the
objects to/from S3 makes backing them up very inefficient.

So, small files (files under 64KB in length) are stored in "packs", which are
explained below.


Each folder configured for backup maintains 2 "packsets", one for trees and
commits, and one for all other small files. The packsets are named:


Small files are separated into 2 packsets because the trees and commits are
cached locally (so that Arq gives reasonable performance for browsing backups);
all other small blobs don't need to be cached.

A packset is a set of "packs". When Arq is backing up a folder, it combines
small files into a single larger packfile; when the packfile reaches 10MB, it
is stored on S3. Also, when Arq finishes backing up a folder it stores its
unsaved packfiles no matter their sizes.

When storing a pack, Arq stores the packfile as:


It also stores an index of the SHA1s contained in the pack as:


Pack Index Format

magic number                ff 74 4f 63  
version (2)                 00 00 00 02 network-byte-order
fanout[0]                   00 00 00 02 (4-byte count of SHA1s starting with 0x00)
fanout[255]                 00 00 f0 f2 (4-byte count of total objects == count of SHA1s starting with 0xff or smaller)
object[0]                   00 00 00 00 (8-byte network-byte-order offset)
                            00 00 00 00
                            00 00 00 00 (8-byte network-byte-order data length)
                            00 00 00 00
                            00 xx xx xx (sha1 starting with 00)
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            00 00 00 00 (4 bytes for alignment)
object[1]                   00 00 00 00 (8-byte network-byte-order offset)
                            00 00 00 00
                            00 00 00 00 (8-byte network-byte-order data length)
                            00 00 00 00
                            00 xx xx xx (sha1 starting with 00)
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            00 00 00 00 (4 bytes for alignment)
object[2]                   00 00 00 00 (8-byte network-byte-order offset)
                            00 00 00 00
                            00 00 00 00 (8-byte network-byte-order data length)
                            00 00 00 00
                            00 xx xx xx (sha1 starting with 00)
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            00 00 00 00 (4 bytes for alignment)
object[f0f1]                00 00 00 00 (8-byte network-byte-order offset)
                            00 00 00 00
                            00 00 00 00 (8-byte network-byte-order data length)
                            00 00 00 00
                            ff xx xx xx (sha1 starting with ff)
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            00 00 00 00 (4 bytes for alignment)
20-byte SHA1 of all of the  xx xx xx xx
above                       xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx

Pack File Format

signature                   50 41 43 4b ("PACK")
version (2)                 00 00 00 02 (network-byte-order 4 bytes)
object count                00 00 f0 f2 (network-byte-order 4 bytes)
object[0] mimetype not null 01          (1 byte)
object[0] mimetype strlen   00 00 00 00 (network-byte-order 8 bytes)
                            00 00 00 08
object[0] mimetype string   xx xx xx xx (n bytes)
                            xx xx xx xx
object[0] name not null     01          (1 byte)
object[0] name strlen       00 00 00 00 (network-byte-order 8 bytes)
                            00 00 00 08
object[0] name string       xx xx xx xx (n bytes)
                            xx xx xx xx
object[0] data length       00 00 00 00 (network-byte-order 8 bytes)
                            00 00 00 06
object[0] data              xx xx xx xx (n bytes)
                            xx xx
object[f0f2] mimetype not null 01          (1 byte)
object[f0f2] mimetype len   00 00 00 00 (network-byte-order 8 bytes)
                            00 00 00 08
object[f0f2] mimetype str   xx xx xx xx (n bytes)
                            xx xx xx xx
object[f0f2] name not null  01          (1 byte)
object[f0f2] name strlen    00 00 00 00 (network-byte-order 8 bytes)
                            00 00 00 08
object[f0f2] name string    xx xx xx xx (n bytes)
                            xx xx xx xx
object[f0f2] data length    00 00 00 00 (network-byte-order 8 bytes)
                            00 00 00 04
object[f0f2] data           12 34 12 34
20-byte SHA1 of all of the  xx xx xx xx
above                       xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx
                            xx xx xx xx

Data Format Documentation Conventions

We used a few shortcuts in some of the data format explanations above:


    A [Bool] is stored as 1 byte, either 00 or 01.


    A [String] is stored as:

        00 or 01    isNull flag

        if not null:

            00 00 00 00    8-byte network-byte-order length
            00 00 00 0c
            xx xx xx xx    UTF-8 string data
            xx xx xx xx    
            xx xx xx xx    

    A [UInt32] is stored as:

            00 00 00 00     network-byte-order uint32_t


    An [Int32] is stored as:

            00 00 00 00     network-byte-order int32_t


    A [UInt64] is stored as:

            00 00 00 00     network-byte-order uint64_t
            00 00 00 00


    An [Int64] is stored as:

            00 00 00 00     network-byte-order int64_t
            00 00 00 00

    A [Date] is stored as:

        00 or 01        isNull flag
        if not null:

            00 00 01 26     8-byte network-byte-order milliseconds 
            a8 79 09 48     since the first instant of 1 January 1970, GMT.


    A [Data] is stored as:

        [UInt64:<length>]       data length
        xx xx xx xx             bytes
        xx xx xx xx
        xx xx xx xx