Haml or HTML Abstraction Markup Language is an alternative templating engine for Rails that aims to provide:
Why a new templating system for Rails? I think this quote best sums it up:
Ruby on Rails pushes so many boundaries: RJS, migrations, and partials were new concepts that blew our minds, and made other platforms try to catch up. RHTML didn’t blow your mind at all; it’s just JSP/ASP/PHP/etc all over again. Boring! Rails deserves a ground-breaking templating language.
Official site
- Current home of official site: http://haml-lang.com/
- Previous home of official site: http://haml.hamptoncatlin.com/
External links
- 1.0 announcement on official Rails weblog: http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2007/1/19/haml-1-0
- "Haml: HTML Abstraction Markup Language": http://unspace.ca/discover/haml/
- "HAML: A new view template language for Rails": http://softlogger.com/3688/Ruby-on-Rails/HAML-A-new-view-template-language-for-Rails.aspx
See also
- Installing Haml 1.5.2 (first installation notes)
- Installing the Haml TextMate bundle
- 1.0 announcement on official Rails weblog: http://weblog.rubyonrails.org/2007/1/19/haml-1-0
- "Haml: HTML Abstraction Markup Language": http://unspace.ca/discover/haml/
- "HAML: A new view template language for Rails": http://softlogger.com/3688/Ruby-on-Rails/HAML-A-new-view-template-language-for-Rails.aspx