Set the Vim statuslineEdit
To customize the Vim statusline, stick something like this in your ~/.vimrc
" statusline
" cf the default statusline: %<%f\ %h%m%r%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
" format markers:
" %< truncation point
" %n buffer number
" %f relative path to file
" %m modified flag [+] (modified), [-] (unmodifiable) or nothing
" %r readonly flag [RO]
" %y filetype [ruby]
" %= split point for left and right justification
" %-35. width specification
" %l current line number
" %L number of lines in buffer
" %c current column number
" %V current virtual column number (-n), if different from %c
" %P percentage through buffer
" %) end of width specification
set statusline=%<\ %n:%f\ %m%r%y%=%-35.(line:\ %l\ of\ %L,\ col:\ %c%V\ (%P)%)
For more information see :h statusline
, or Google for vim statusline to find a load of examples.