Upgrading to Haml 1.8.1 on Mac OS X 10.5.1Edit

These notes were made while upgrading to Haml 1.8.1 on Mac OS X 10.5.1


$ sudo gem install haml --no-ri
Updating metadata for 106 gems from http://gems.rubyforge.org
Successfully installed haml-1.8.1
1 gem installed
Installing RDoc documentation for haml-1.8.1...

Updating existing Rails applications

I prefer to tie my application to a known working version of Haml rather than depending on a gem installed somewhere on the system (whose version you may not control). Seeing as I use Git I do this:

cd path_to_rails_application_root
git rm -r vendor/plugins/haml
svn export svn://hamptoncatlin.com/haml/tags/rel_1-8-1 vendor/plugins/haml
git add vendor/plugins/haml

Updating the Haml TextMate bundle

Apparently there have been no changes to the bundle recently:

$ cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/Ruby Haml.tmbundle
$ svn up
At revision 8813.